Friday, 22 October 2010


We started a monthly photographic club here at Fotofilia a couple of months ago in answer to students' requests for something to do once their courses had finished.

While i wasn't sure initially what kind of club I wanted here, i did know the kind of club I DIDN'T want - namely the kind of inward-facing, girlie-shoot-obsessed, hostile-to-outsiders, unwelcoming, mysoginistic clubs that I was a member of in the past. I believed instead that there was scope for an ambitious, all-welcoming society that inspires and develops its members' potential.

THE CLUB, as we imaginitively call it, is now up to full capacity for its first year's subscription with 40 paid-up members.

I've confirmed the details of what will happen at the next 2 meetings and am now looking at 2011's meetings.

Sadly I have had to turn away other prospective members but there is the possibility that I may eventually run the club on 2 evenings to allow extra members to join. I'll see how things go.

Either way, I'm very excited about this new direction. Because of the club's success I'm able to bring in some excellent guests with a wide range of expertise that I believe fulfills my original aims.


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